Remote operated musical bell
Remote operated musical bell can be made combining the following circuits.
a) Remote tester
b) Basic RC circuit
c) Simple Musical bell
When a remote is pressed, the circuit plays a music.
a) Remote tester
Remote operated musical bell can be made combining the following circuits.
a) Remote tester
b) Basic RC circuit
c) Simple Musical bell
When a remote is pressed, the circuit plays a music.
a) Remote tester
All of us know that NE555(or other versions) is a versatile IC for building big and small projects. Recently, I found some free simulators that would be very useful for electronics beginners. Please go the links I have given on this page and download those applications for FREE. You may also find something more useful…
When you press an infrared transmitter or normal TV remote control near TSOP1738 infrared sensor, the 555 timer configured in monostable mode gets triggered.
This circuit has been configured in Astable mode. The output pulses are determined by the values of resistors R1, R2 and the timing capacitor C1. The formula for the frequency of pulses is: f= 1.44/[(R1+2R2)*C1].
One of the main objectives of LDR Engineering projects is to make students capable of developing their own logic for making devices. Here is an example that tells how LDR Engineering helps in developing ideas.
This 555 timer circuit below toggles the LED when a button is pressed. Pins 2 and 6, the threshold and trigger inputs, are held at 1/2 the supply voltage by the two 10K resistors.
This circuit has been configured in Astable mode. The output pulses are determined by the values of resistors R1, R2 and the timing capacitor C1. The formula for the frequency of pulses is: f= 1.44/[(R1+2R2)*C1].
The high and low time of each pulse can also be calculated.
Monostable mode of operation
Monostable mode of operation of 555 IC can be explained using a simple touch sensitive circuit. Here, timing constant (T) of monostable timer= 1.1*R1*C1. The following circuit has been configured in monostable mode. A monostable circuit produces a single pulse(for a certain duration determined by the Timing Constant(T)=1.1*R1*C1) when triggered at pin 2.