Remote operated musical bell
Remote operated musical bell can be made combining the following circuits.
a) Remote tester
b) Basic RC circuit
c) Simple Musical bell
When a remote is pressed, the circuit plays a music.
a) Remote tester
Remote operated musical bell can be made combining the following circuits.
a) Remote tester
b) Basic RC circuit
c) Simple Musical bell
When a remote is pressed, the circuit plays a music.
a) Remote tester
This is a very interesting project for beginners. We had made similar project several years ago and published on BuildCircuit.COM. Check out this page. In this project, music from an audio source can be transmitted wirelessly via infrared medium. There are two kits included in this package. One is transmitter and the other is a receiver….
DOWNLOAD IN PDF- LINE FOLLOWING ROBOT USING ARDUINO AND INFRARED LED This project has been derived from LDR based line following robot. I strongly recommend that you first try line follower robot using LDR, I found that the LDR gives better results than infrared sensor. 🛠️ Dive into our collection of DIY Kits, 🔊 Audio…
Description: In this project, Arduino first encodes the remote signals and decodes them to control LED brightness. First of all, connect the Infrared sensor as shown in the picture below. Then, press keys 0 through 4; Arduino stores the values for keys 0 through 4 and when the sketch runs, key 0 turns off the…
Description: This project lets you know about Infrared. The LED connected on pin 13 of Arduino toggles each time a remote button is pressed. It should work with normal TV/VCD remote.
NOTE: A similar kit is available at buildcircuit store. Please check the store. An infrared based music transmitter and receiver is made up of three different modules. Test these three modules before you make this project. An audio amplifier Dark sensor using 741 Melody generator using UM66 You can make this project using phototransistor as…
Description: An RC circuit is used to introduce time delay in circuits. A combination of resistor and capacitor gives a time constant. The following circuit shows a basic RC circuit. In the figure C1(100uF) works as a storage capacitor. When you press the switch, the capacitor charges quickly and provides base current to the transistor…
Description: This circuit can be used for testing your TV, DVD, VCD, etc. remote control. This is the fundamental module for making infrared based object counter. This project has been derived from “Remote tester project” .
This project is similar to the following projects: 1. ON and OFF LED using infrared sensor 2. PWM experiment using infrared sensor For this particular and the above listed experiments, you need this library: arcfn.com/files/IRremote.zip See the following image to know how to fix the infrared sensor on the breakout board. http://arcfn.com/files/IRremote.zip#sthash.wIx2Q2Mr.dpuf http://arcfn.com/files/IRremote.zip#sthash.wIx2Q2Mr.dpuf http://arcfn.com/files/IRremote.zip#sthash.wIx2Q2Mr.dpuf Datasheet…
This article is about remote operated musical bell using UM3481. The M348X series IC is a mask-ROM-programmed multi melody generator , implemented by CMOS technology. It is designed to play the melody according to the previously programmed information and is capable of generating 16 songs with 3 instrument effects : piano, organ and mandolin. The device also includes a pre-amplifier which…
The M348X series IC is a mask-ROM-programmed multi melody generator , implemented by CMOS technology.It is designed to play the melody according to the previously programmed information and is capable of generating 16 songs with 3 instrument effects : piano, organ and mandolin. The device also includes a pre-amplifier which provides a simple interface to the driver circuit. The M3481…
Light operated switch works with NE555 timer and light dependent resistor. It uses relay and toggle switch idea for operation.
When you press an infrared transmitter or normal TV remote control near TSOP1738 infrared sensor, the 555 timer configured in monostable mode gets triggered.