Protoboard for electronic projects

We make electronic projects for exhibitions, hobby and academic assignments and all the projects need a power supply. Most of the hobbyist projects operate at 3.3V, 5V, 9V and 12V power supply. Keeping this requirement in mind, we have a designed a PCB that resembles a Mini breadboard and has an inbuilt power supply on it.
You can make your projects operating at 3.3V, 5V and the input voltage. There are two regulator chips for 3.3V and 5V regulation.You can use the output voltages for your projects. For example, if you make a music player using WTV020SD-16P module, you would need a 3.3V power supply and if you are making an Arduino project, you would need a 5V power supply.
The dimension of the PCB: 8.7cmx8.3cm.
Assembly instructions:
You can easily assemble the components on to the circuit board if you carefully follow the silkscreen indicators.
There are only 11 components to solder. The components given below:
- 1x LM7805 voltage regulator
- 1x 3.3V voltage regulator
- 2x 10uF capacitor
- 2x 0.1uF capacitor (code- 104)
- 1x PTC resettable fuse 500mA rating
- 1x SPDT switch
- 1x 5mm LED (can be any color)- Used for power indicator
- 1x DC barrel
- 1x 4001 diode. It works with any 1N4001-1N4007 diodes.
- 1x 330R resistance.
You can see on the following image that the silkscreen indicators are clear enough to get hints for assembling the components.