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How to use WTV020SD music module with Arduino

WTV020SD-16P music module is one of the hot topics in current days. WTV020-SD module can be used in automotive electronics (anti-theft alarm, parking sensor, GPS navigation systems, electronic dog, central locking), smart home system, home burglar alarm, medical instruments, the human voice prompts, music player, home appliances (cooker , rice cookers, microwave ovens), entertainment devices (game consoles, amusement machine) learning model (Zaojiao, children’s audio books), intelligent transportation devices (toll stations, car parks), communication equipment (telephone switches, telephones), industrial control areas (elevators, industrial equipment), toys and other fields.

My experience says that WTV020SD music module is one of the interesting but confusing kits. On different sites and forums, you will find discussions on different methods to make it work. Some say that it does not work with 2GB or more size micro SD card and some say that it does not play *.mp3/*.wav files.

In fact, there are other several issues that have to be addressed for its operation. In this article, I have written my experiences on the WTV020SD music module. I have tested 20 pcs of this module and I think that if you follow my tested procedures, it should work.

Important Points:

1. Size of Micro SD card: I tested with 1GB and 2GB micro SD cards and it worked with a 2 GB card only.

2. Mp3/WAV/AD4 format music files: mp3 and wav files did not play. But AD4 format files worked properly. Check out this article: how to convert mp3 and wav files to ad4.

3. Sampling rate: The sampling rate of the AD4 music file should be 32000 Hz. If you are using SOMO tool(Usb recorder), then your settings should as given below:

usb Converter

4. Volume of sound: The volume of sound should be below the threshold lines(usually 6dB) as shown on the image below:

low volume

If your AD4 sound file has volume beyond the threshold lines, your sound may stop at any time. If you lower the volume, the sound will play without any problem.

You can use an open source sound editing software called AUDACITY to lower the volume of your music file.

‘Audacity’ sound editor can be used for increasing or reducing volume of sound. After you open a music file, it shows a volume controller. Moving the slider to right/left will change the volume of your sound file. Don’t forget to save the sound file after you make a change in volume.

The image shows letters (labels) in Finnish. When you install the application on your computer, you will get the labels in English or in your language.



5. Arduino: I have tested the module on Arduino Duemilanove and UNO and it works properly with both.

How to make it work ?

If you are lucky, your module will work in the first attempt, otherwise, you can try the following tips:

a.  Micro SD card: Priority 1- 2 GB MicroSD , Priority 2- 1GB MicroSD card. I have tested with 1GB card, but it didn’t work. You can buy a 2GB micro SD card from www.buildcircuit.net.

b. Circuit Connection: Priority 1- Basic Experiment (Click here), Priority 2-  Experiment 2 (Click here). The module also works without Arduino, check these MP3 mode experiments also: Experiment 1                  Experiment 2

c. Volume level: Priority 1- Low volume, Priority 2- High volume.

d. Sample rate: Priority 1- 32000 Hz, Priority 2- Other.

e. Music file format: *.AD4.

f. File names: 0000.ad4, 0001.ad4, 0002.ad4 and so on. Download Sample Files


g. After you construct the first circuit on a breadboard, press the NEXT or PREV switches for at least 5 seconds. If all the connections are correct, your music will play.




The following information has been given by the the manufacturer of this kit. I have not tested all the features and I cannot guarantee that all will work. However, you can trust the information because they have been printed on the product manual also.

Product Overview: WTV020-SD module is a voice Rewritable content type of mass storage voice module, pluggable maximum capacity of 1 GB SD card memory. Can load WAV format voice, and AD4 formats voice.

WTV020-SD module voice chip WTV020SD-20S master core, with MP3 control mode, the key one-to-one control mode (3 voice with the voice two), the power-loop control mode as well as the second-line serial control mode. The control mode is set in the chip of the sample preparation, can not be switched during the operation of the various control modes, such as the need to use what mode control, Division I to build.

MP3 control mode: play / stop, and the next one, on one, Volume +, Volume – functions.

The key one-to-one control mode (3 paragraphs voice): a key corresponding trigger a voice have to play three voice and adjust the volume subtraction function, all buttons are default trigger pulse not repeat.

Key one-to-one control mode (5 paragraphs voice): has three control methods ⑴, all keys are pulse retriggerable; ⑵ all keys are play / stop trigger (singles not cycle); ⑶ all keys are play / Stop (single cycle).

Power-loop control mode: on power, do not need to trigger any I / O port, and direct all voice Autoplay SD card memory, and has the power and memory point play function when power off and then power on automatically the last power to resume playback voice. Two control modes ⑴, P04 has a pulse play / pause function; ⑵, P05 has a level play / pause function.

Two-wire serial control mode: CLK clock and send the DI the data line by the microcontroller via data control WTV020-SD module. Free to play the voice of any address. Voice combination play this state, can be performed.

Voice updates directly through an SD card reader on a PC replacement. The module supports the FAT file system. Support 6KHz to 32KHz, 36KHz sampling rate AD4 voice and 6KHz ~ 16KHz WAV audio sampling rate, can automatically recognize the voice sampling rate, and the voice file format.


1.The product supports plug-maximum the 1G capacity of the SD card;
2.Supports playback of 4Bit ADPCM format files;
3.Automatically recognize the voice files;
4.Loadable 6KHz to 32KHz, 36KHz sampling rate AD4 audio;
5.Loadable 6KHz ~ 16KHz sampling rate WAV audio;
6.16bitDAC and PWM audio output;
7.Can store up to 512 voice;
8.WTV020-SD-20S, WTV020-SD-16P two module types;
9.Support micro-processor and key control;
10.Voice playback can call any paragraph;
11.Power-down save operation data capabilities;
12.Loaded voice without software assistance to the SD card can be placed directly on the voice;
13.Support file combination play, including mute combination;
14.Operating voltage: DC2.5 ~ 3.6V;
15.Quiescent Current: 16uA (SD card is not inserted)


WTV020-SD module can be used in automotive electronics (anti-theft alarm, parking sensor, GPS navigation systems, electronic dog, central locking), smart home system, home burglar alarm, medical instruments, the human voice prompts, music player, home appliances (cooker , rice cookers, microwave ovens), entertainment devices (game consoles, amusement machine) learning model (Zaojiao, children’s audio books), intelligent transportation devices (toll stations, car parks), communication equipment (telephone switches, telephones), industrial control areas (elevators, industrial equipment), toys and other fields.
Related Tutorials:

a. About WTV020SD-16P module.

b. MP3 mode of WTV020SD-16P

c. Mp3 mode and audio amplifier.

d. Basic circuit with Arduino- example 1.

e. Basic circuit (trig and select) example 2.

f. How to convert mp3/wave format files to AD4 format.

g. Troubleshooting

Related documents:


You can buy all the components for this experiment on www.buildcircuit.com. The web store is owned and operated by buildcircuit.com. Buildcircuit.com is a reliable webstore for amateurs. It sells low cost components and offers fast shipping service.

  1. WTV020SD-16P
  2. 3.3v regulator
  3. 5V regulator
  4. 2GB micro SD card
  5. Audio amplifier
  6. Speaker
  7. Tactile switch
  8. Wires


DO NOT USE 5V POWER SUPPLY FOR THE MODULE. 5V will burn both your MicroSD card and WTV020SD module. Please use only 3.3V power, either from Arduino or use 3.3V regulator chip.

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5 thoughts on “How to use WTV020SD music module with Arduino

  1. I’m keen on the precious facts an individual give your articles. I’ll search for your site plus examine all over again the following generally. My business is relatively ‘ might be told a lot of innovative material correct listed here! All the best for an additional!

  2. Hi. Can you give some information on the latency of the audio playback?
    Suppose one would hook up an arduino nano, and want to trigger .ad samples from midi.
    If there’s < 5 ms latency it would be interesting.
    32khz is highquality enough imho.

  3. Anyone know what simplest MCU used and what type of timing to make the WTV020 play a random music?
    Datasheet says that WTV020 i capable to do this but nowhere is said HOW.
    I would like to make this device play ONCE one random music. Thanks.

  4. Hi.
    Can you help me?? I can not play audio through serial comm. Maybe because rst/di/clk waveform are not fine. Stand alone board works fine pulling down play… pins.
    Can you provide me the righ waveforms??
    I tried with datasheet but not stable play. Sometimes I can play but I dont know why.

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