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Cosmarino- A DIY kit for Android-Arduino communication


“Cosmarino is a kit for experimenting Android-Arduino communication via Bluetooth.”


  • Control RGB LED with Android phone
  • Display photoresistor sensor data on a graph on Android phone
  • Transmit LM35DZ temperature sensor data on Android phone
  • Control 5V relay with Android phone
  • Control 5V relay and LED with any infrared remote control

This is Cosmarino- A simple DIY kit for facilitating communication between Arduino Nano and Android via Bluetooth communication medium. The kit also has a TSOP4838 infrared sensor which offers you the possibility of controlling the kit with a normal infrared remote control.

The kit has been designed to support particularly Amarino toolkit Android application, but we have tested the kit with many other applications made for Arduino-Android communication via Bluetooth and all have worked properly.

The kit package includes:

  1. Cosmarino kit- Available in fully assembled and DIY versions
  2. Bluetooth module
  3. Amarino Nano– Chinese version with CH340G chip
  4. Infrared remote control

Cosmarino has the following features:

  • Android app controlled: The Cosmarino kit can be controlled with several Android applications made for controlling Arduino or communicating with Arduino via Bluetooth. We have used Amarino toolkit and many other Android applications for testing different features of the kit.
  • Bluetooth support: The control signals from Android phone are sent to Arduino Nano via Bluetooth. There is a Bluetooth module connected to the circuit board that facilitates communication between Android and Arduino.
  • TSOP4838 infrared sensor: There is a TSOP4838 infrared sensor on the circuit board which allows you to control Cosmarino with any kind of TV/DVD remote control. However, the kit package includes an Infrared remote control also.
  • Fully programmable: The kit is fully programmable because it has Arduino Nano.


You can do several experiments with Cosmarino. Some of the interesting experiments have been listed below.

1. RGB LED control: You can control the common cathode RGB LED with your Android smart phone.

multicolor lamp

2. Relay control- Relay on the kit can be controlled with the phone or any remote control.

3. LDR/photoresistor sensor data- Cosmarino can transmit LDR sensor data to your phone. You can receive LDR sensor data and control the 5mm LED at the same time.

This feature is available with Amarino toolkit application only.

sensor graph

5. LM35 temperature sensor data- The kit transmits LM35 temperature sensor data to your phone. You can receive the sensor data and control the 5mm LED at the same time.

This feature is available with Amarino toolkit application only.

temperature sensor

 Schematic: (Click on the schematic to enlarge)


As you can see on the schematic the components have been connected to the Arduino Nano in the following way:

1. OUTPUT- RGB LED: R= D3, Blue= D5 and Green= D6. All these digital pins have Pulse Width Modulation function.

2. OUTPUT- 5mm LED connected to Digital pin D11

3. OUTPUT- 5V relay connected to Digital pin D2

4. INPUT- LDR/Photoresistor connected to Analog pin A1

5. INPUT- LM35 temperature sensor connected to Analog pin A0

6. INPUT- TSOP4838 infrared sensor connected to Digital pin D7

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