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DIY KIT 53- Frequency counter DIY electronic kit

The description has been copied from manufacturer’s website. This is a PIC microcontroller-based frequency meter, subtraction frequency is set with crystal measurement functions and programmable, five digital display, easy and intuitive, all using in-line components, the circuit is simple and easy to make. Measurable frequency range: 1 Hz -50 MHz; Most commonly used to measure…

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DIY KIT 40 – TDA2822M Audio Amplifier DIY Kit

AMP-1 amplifier uses TDA2822M  as an amplifier chip. This chip is STMicroelectronics (ST) developed dual-channel monolithic power amplifier IC, usually used in the pocket cassette player (WALKMAN), tape recorders and multimedia speaker for the audio amplifier. It has a simple circuit, produces good sound quality, it has a wide voltage range and other characteristics that…

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