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Remote musical bell- Assembly tutorial

 Remote operated musical bell- Assembly tutorial

remote operated musical bell (3)

This kit package includes everything you need to make a remote operated musical bell. Assembly of this kit is very straightforward and all the components are through-hole. You can see the labels printed on the circuit board and assemble the components following those labels.



Step 1: Solder 4 pcs 1K ohm resistor. Color code of 1K resistor is Brown-Black- Red. Learn how to read resistor codes.


Step 1- Solder 1K Ohm resistor

Step 2: Solder 220 Ohm resistors and 100K Ohm.  Learn how to read resistor codes.

100K Ohm 100k

220 Ohm 200R

Step 2- Solder 100K and 2pcs 220 Ohm resistors

Step 3: Solder 0.1uF ceramic capacitor. The code for 0.1uF capacitor is 104.

104- ceramic

Step 3- Solder 2pcs 104 ceramic capacitor

Step  4: Solder BC547 and BC557 transistors

BC547- transistor  BC557- transistorBC557

Step 4- Solder BC547 and BC557 transistors

Step 5: Solder 5V regulator (TO-92 package)

78L05-5V Reg- 5V regulator

Step 5- Solder 5V TO-92 regulator

Step 6: Solder BT66/UM66 musical IC


Step 6- Solder BT66 musical IC

Step 7: Solder 3.3V zener diode

3.3V zener diode

Step 7- Solder 3.3V zener diode

Step 8: Solder 100 Ohm resistor.  Learn how to read resistor codes.

100 Ohm resistor: 100R

Step 8- Solder 100 Ohm resistor

Step 9: Solder 16 pin DIL socket for CD4017 IC.

16 PIN DIL socket for CD4017

Step 9- Solder 16 pin DIL socket

Step 10: Solder 5mm LED. This works as an indicator whenever the infrared sensor detects IR rays.


Step 10- Solder 5mm LED(IR detect) Step 10- IR detect LED

Step 11: Solder LED1 and LED2


Solder 11- Solder 5mm LED1 and LED2

Step 12: Solder 100uF electrolytic capacitor

100uF- electrolyticSolder 12- Solder 100uF capacitor

Step 13: Solder SPDT switch

SPDT slide switch

Step 13- Solder SPDT switch

Step 14: Solder 2 pin screw terminal

2 pin screw terminal- for battery

Step 14- Solder 2pin screw terminal

Step 15: Solder TSOP4838 infrared sensor

TSOP4838- IR sensor

Solder 15- Solder TSOP4838 Infrared sensor

Step 16: Solder speaker. Don’t care + and – pins of the speaker. You can connect it either way.


Step 15- Solder speaker

Step 17: Fix the CD4017 IC over the 16 pin DIL socket

CD4017- ICStep 16- Insert CD4017 over 16 pin DIL socket

Step 18: Connect a 9V battery and use the kit. The kit works with ANY kind of remote control.

Step 17- Connect 9V battery Step 18- Use your remote control and operate the kit
Watch the output:

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